3D Bioprinting rapid prototyping services

  • Will bioprinting allow for rapid prototyping for organs, tissue, and bone?

3D bioprinting services could be coming in the near future. With an explosion of this technology, companies are achieving breakthrough research in the field of duplicating our biological features. While the technology is still experimental and typically reserved for medical research, advancements are being made every day. Lives are being saved, if not changed by 3D bioprinters.

While 3D printing allows for rapid prototyping services for prosthetics and dental applications, 3D bioprinters could one day be as common as going to the local hospital for new skin replacements, organ transplants, and cell reconstruction. Imagine using a private bioprinting service to rapid prototype skin for burn victims? Transplant patients won’t have to wait on a list – simply create replacement organs based on the patient’s genetic information.

  • What types of objects could be prototyped?

3D bioprinting will soon be able to rapid prototype organs, tissue, cells, and more. Lifelike prosthetics are already being produced using a variety of additive manufacturing methods.

  • Are there any disadvantages to 3D bioprinting?

While the technology is exciting, there’s still plenty of research involved to reach a point where 3D bioprinter services could be offered very soon. Apart from the medical and legal hurdles, rapid prototyping services could become prevalent in the near future under controlled conditions. Meanwhile, advancements in bioprinter technology are happening worldwide. The technology and engineering could one day exist for bioprinters to be used at home.

  • How do I get started with rapid prototyping using a 3D bioprinter?

Our company maintains an exclusive suite of professional rapid prototyping services and 3D printing with a variety of companies including those pioneering the research into 3D bioprinting. We can put you in the right direction with companies within our network currently using 3D bioprinting for medical and research purposes. Feel free to contact us through our website or over the phone for any questions.