Gold 3D Printing Service Provider

It’s no underestimation to say gold 3D printing services have come a long way since the forty-niners first trekked to the hills of California to strike it rich. Yes a painstaking effort that involved scouring for one morsel of bullion that would turn the past two futile weeks into a financial windfall has evolved into loading a printer with material, sending it a design and waiting as a golden creation is born right before your very eyes. Just like those miners and their pickaxes led the way a century and a half ago, 3D Printer Pro is the industry leader for the upcoming golden age of precious metal three dimensional printing.

How Is Gold 3D Printed?

Obviously the gold 3D printing service is not akin to firing up the printer and having your own version of Fort Knox by the end of the day. Instead the gold 3D printing can add a shiny gold finish on top of usually a wax base to create the allure of a golden piece or create a mold where gold is poured into to get a customized item. There are a number of reasons for utilizing the gold 3D printing services ranging from creating one of a kind rings or necklace pendants or drawing up a unique trophy for a sports league.

The gold 3D printing service works in a step by step process. First the design is drawn up in 3D modeling software and sent to 3D Printer Pros. That custom design is then printed in wax and placed into a container where plaster will then be poured into it. The plaster essentially sets and makes a mold, completed when entire piece is heated thus melting the wax inside while leaving the plaster. Molten gold is then poured into the mold and left to harden. Once the gold has set the plaster is broken away to leave the finished golden piece.

The wrap-up of the gold 3D printing service is where it gets its sparkle as the item is hand polished afterward to give it the shiny finish so accustomed with solid gold pieces.

The 3D Printer Pro Advantage For Gold 3D Printing Services

Just like citizens in 1849 wouldn’t trust some random newbie off the streets to lead their prospecting adventures, fly-by-night 3D printing services shouldn’t be utilized either, especially when dealing with gold and silver material. 3D Printer Pro has been at the forefront of online three dimensional printing services since their inception, offering top-level expertise with some of the best perks in the industry. We offer design tips and strategies and rapid gold prototyping to cut down the time between idea and production. On top of that global shipping is available for these immaculate products.

3D Printer Pro will help you create the Mother Lode in regards to our gold 3D printing services but with others you run the risk of being left with nothing more than fool’s gold.